about sabrina

Hi there! Below I have listed some facts I know to be true:

  • I appreciate the art of yoga – you won’t see me upside down balanced on my head or anything, but I can do the basics… and I mean the basic basics.

  • I am an believer in the power of the universe and the alchemy of the mind."When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it,” – My favorite quote from the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

  • I am a centrovert – may be a new term, but it really resonates with me!

  • I am pretty funny – I don’t know how to prove this one, it is just a fact.

Now for the bio you most likely came to this page to read…

I am an innovative graphic designer with a passion for illustration, branding, and packaging design. I believe in effective communication and collaboration for the best creative work to be done!